Treadgolds is a RIBA South Award Winner

We have been celebrating that Treadgolds has won an RIBA Regional Award. It has been amazing to get this recognition for this project which has provided community facilities for the John Pounds Trust in a much loved local building.

The team will be off to celebrate at the RIBA London HQ on the 24th May with all the other Reginal Award winners.

The Judges said:

‘The most significant achievement has been making the main hall fit for public inhabitation while maintaining the historic character and texture of the original building fabric. This has been accomplished through an economy of means: retaining existing fixtures and fittings; leaving previous remedial work on show; restricting new architectural interventions to a minimum; and preserving the tactile qualities of the original building fabric’

And speaking of the next phase:

‘one hopes that the client and architect can continue to refine the art of doing so much with not a lot.’

For the RIBA article click here

For more information on the project click here